OpenPlant Modeler Help

Adopt Primary Default Settings

When you want to use the same default settings as selection for primary and secondary view, you can select in the secondary settings the option ‘like primary’ as component part reference. Any modifications in the primary settings then will be valid for the secondary view, too. 

Copy and Reset Functions

Since you can define up to 6 different dimensioning variants for a single list entry, some auxiliary functions are available which can facilitate the setting task.

You have access to these functions by calling the context menu of the right mouse key in the selection list of the selection range.

Tool Description
Copy Selection of Primary The settings of the primary area for the currently selected group are copied into the secondary area as far as longitudinal and transversal direction are concerned. However, this is only valid for the currently selected dimensioning area.  This function is reasonable when you want to modify only one value in the secondary view compared with the primary view.
Deactivate Selected Group The component part reference of the currently selected group is set to ‘No dimensioning’ for longitudinal and transversal direction for all views and all dimensioning areas. For secondary views it is set to the option ‘Like Primary’. Thus, you can easily deactivate dimensioning of component parts without having to remove the whole group. 
Deactivate All Groups

The component part reference of all existing groups is set to ‘No dimensioning’ for longitudinal and transversal direction for all views and all dimensioning areas. For secondary views it is set to the option ‘Like Primary’. Thus, you can easily deactivate complete parts of dimensioning without having to remove the whole group.

Note: The use of the deactivate functions in practice facilitates the optimization of existing settings, because you can rapidly deactivate the entries without having to look for them by means of the different selection possibilities. 

Selected Group Standard Values

All settings of the currently selected group are reset to the internally specified standard settings for longitudinal and transversal direction for all views and all dimensioning areas. These correspond to the initial values at creation of the corresponding dimensioning group. 

All Groups Standard Values

All settings of all existing groups are reset to the internally specified standard settings for longitudinal and transversal direction for all views and all dimensioning areas. These correspond to the initial values at creation of the corresponding dimensioning groups.

Create Complete Standard Default Setting

A complete, internally specified standard setting is created for the selected part area of dimensioning. This setting contains the creation of dimensioning groups to be selected including the component part assignments (as far as possible) as well as the setting with standard default settings.

CAUTION: Please note that all existing dimensioning groups, component part assignments and settings will be lost when this function is used!
Note: The use of the standard settings functions in practice facilitates the building of user-defined dimensioning structures, because it is always possible to return to a clearly defined initial position in case of unsuccessful setting attempts.